I've been thinking about God's incredible generosity in giving us His 'Christmas gift' - His Son!
As I quietly think about that, I discover once again that overwhelming and sacrificial generosity - abundant grace - is the essential part of God's character. God is love (1 John 4:8) and generous sacrificial giving is an essential part of that love (John 3:16).
And I think of something else.
Isn't it true - the closer we walk with God the more we become like Him? The closer we walk, the more we love. The more we love, the more we give. So even in our human lives, love and generosity are inseparable, and increasing, as we walk with Him.
So I want to honor and thank you the readers of my blog, for your love and generosity towards God's people in Liberia and specifically my family.
This expression of God's abundant grace, through the prayer and financial commitment of our Partners (and some have even promised to help me complete the project presently on hand in Liberia)this is helping our brothers and sisters in the Lord discover what God is really like. The project mentioned is so dear to my heart and seriously praying for God's helping hand in making us complete the Church building project. Thank you for helping share that true message of CHRISTMAS. Generous and sacrificial love, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Thanks a lot for the prayer being offered on behalf of the Lombaye family. They have never gone unnoticed. Dorcas just turned 14 and Obeto, Jr. is now 9. We are grateful for your love and support.